My post for Heroines in Fiction produced several unexpected results. First surprise: the hands-down favorite was Charlie Fox, the martial-arts expert created by Zoe Sharp. I’d never heard of Charlie Fox until two weeks ago when I met her author on Twitter. I read the book and loved it, so I included her. Apparently, she has a lot of […]
Poll: Heroines in Fiction
Update: While this poll remains open (heck, why not?) I’ve posted a new one called “Design Your Own Heroine“. Take the poll! Be heard! How should a female lead act, look, think? Literary heroines are everywhere these days. From Anastasia Steele to Katniss Everdeen, books are filled with more multi-faceted, complex women than ever […]
4 Steps to Google Mind Control
Google Uber Alles. They enter a product category with the intention of world domination. So why bring out the Nexus 7 when they know it can’t compete with the iPad? Simple: They want to control your mind. Why does Google even need an e-reader in their line up? What are their motivations for bringing it […]
Review: Petroplague
Petroplague – Author Amy Rogers – 83,000~ words, $19.95 HC / $2.99 E I have a huge ego. To keep its luster, I keep it away from embarrassing situations. Naturally, I was a bit intimidated when I followed a stray link from Booktrib to the website of Havard grad, former Cal State Professor, Amy Rogers, […]
On Writing: Cash is Good v5.2 – Pricing?
Our goal as writers is to craft a story so interesting that strangers will pay money to hear it. In the first edition of this posting, I tried to show a model for working out the math for modern writers. That brought up a lot of questions from my readers. So I put together a […]