Just released — Trench Coats, Episode IV: The Desperate
I’m happy to announce the release of Episode IV in the Trench Coat series.* In this installment, Sabel Security Agent Jacob Milik leads a desperate mission to rescue Pia Sabel from her kidnappers. He lands on a remote island as a hurricane disrupts his efforts and a welcoming committee of Syrian soldiers comes out to kill him. What reward awaits such a gallant hero? An unidentified source in Washington branded his team “terrorists” for attacking a military installation.
Trench Coats is a real scenario that could be happening right now. The potential for abuse within the government’s “black budget” is not a risk, it’s inevitable.
Here is the problem:
$52.6 Billion — The CIA’s Black Budget (no oversight) for 2013
16 Agencies — The Federal departments dipping into that budget includes State, Treasury, and DEA
54 Countries — Host or facilitate US spy sites & operations, including Finland, Somalia, Italy, Afghanistan, and Malaysia
107,035 Employees — Including Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, and Aaron Alexis
100% — Black budget increase since 2004.
Don’t get me wrong: You and I, the voting public, have seen positive results. There are fewer terrorists alive today than a few years ago. That’s a good thing.
The question is, what are our spies doing? The ones hiding behind the secrecy curtain. Are all 107,035 doing good things?
Did you know Italy sentenced their former military intelligence chief to ten years in prison?
We know that the CIA engaged in illegal and ineffective torture, because they admitted it in open Senate hearings. We also know they “stopped”. They said so. Right after admitting they destroyed all the written transcripts, reports, backups of reports, videos, and everything else related to the events.
So what are they doing with our $52.6 Billion?
They’re doing their best to kill Agent Jacob and Pia Sabel.
More to come! The episode list:
- Episode I: The Meeting, FREE!
- Episode II: Jacob’s Story, FREE!
- Episode III: Bring It, FREE for a limited time!
- Episode IV: The Desperate, on sale now!
- Episode V: Reckoning Road, COMING SOON
- Episode VI: The Tiger Strikes, COMING SOON
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Peace, Seeley
* I offer my apologies to the fans of Pia Sabel (and the growing ranks of Agent Jacob’s fans as well) for the delay between Episode’s III and IV. Lesson learned: summer is not the best season to work on books. To make it up to readers everywhere, I offer the first three episodes for FREE on Amazon and Kobo (Nook has yet to cooperate). Episodes I & II will remain permanently free.